Cassida vittata  de Villers, 1789
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Coleoptera / Chrysomeloidea
Bordered Tortoise Beetle, Beet Beetle     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Cassida vittata is usually a coastal species very often inhabiting saltmarshes. As the name implies, it prefers feeding on foliage of beet (Beta vulgaris s.l.) and in fact the photos of this beetle taken by Stephen Mifsud were taken from Beta vulgaris situated in a saltmarsh at the coast. It is reported to be a pest of beet in warmer parts such as in Eygpt. Another source states that the tortoise beetle is associated with the Spurreys (i>Spergularia sp.), also a plant commonly found in coastal areas and salt marshes.

It is a small insect, about 1cm long and often shows an 'H-shaped' pattern of a metallic green colour.

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